1. I just wanna say that this is amazing and I wish I could do this with Autocad. One day I will do it 🙂

  2. Nothing called AutoCAD 3D. There are two variants. If I should talk about latest release, AutoCAD 2010 and AutoCAD LT 2010. LT doesn’t have 3D features. It is exclusively for 2D Drafting. Where as AutoCAD 2010 has a lot of fetures for 3D Modeling. For more info, go to Autodesk’s website.

  3. Wizualizacja jest udana, ale należałoby dokonac kilku poprawek. Na wewnętrznej ścianie, która jest po przeciwnej stronie niż wieża, nie było nigdy arkad. Arkady były za to przy południowej elewacji wieży (w dodatku w innym kształcie niż to widać na wizualizacji). Należałoby poprawić też rozkład okien. Poza tym wygląda OK.

  4. Can anyone tell me is there updates for AutoCAD or i just have to download it and I can work 3D and other projects?I would appreciate it…..

  5. can anyone please tell me is there a separate software called Autocad 3D, or is it just the same as Autocad software?

  6. this is relly great !!!!
    i’m sure it took you weeks to make all these halls and the windows too !!!
    i am relly interested in (autocad 2006) , but i dont know how to move an object to a specific location by the (X,Y AND Z) dimentions , could you help me plz ?

  7. ohhhh i told my dad i wanted to be a computer software engineer or architect in a couple years after high college and my dad bought it and i have no idea how to use it

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